Of Mudbloods and Bathtubs

Mar 03, 2014 00:57

Author’s note: This essay offers a Watsonian explanation for certain things in the Potterverse. It ignores any Doylist explanations for those things, including Rowling’s.

In reply to my DH sporking, chapter 29, maidofkent wrote in part,

You're right that it seems pretty hypocritical to joke about Snape running away from shampoo, when the male ( Read more... )

bathing, muggleborns, history, purebloods, author: oneandthetruth, slytherins, meta, wizarding world, muggles, magic, cleanliness

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hwyla March 4 2014, 00:08:38 UTC
Could make sense easily. In support, I'll mention Tonk's comment about not trusting people who keep things TOO clean when she helps Harry pack in bk5. This is to be considered a comment about Petunia. And I must admit that I do think Petunia's overly clean kitchen is a symptom of her need for control in a world in which magic exists.

Tonks particularly mentions that her father (the muggleborn) is a slob. Considering her father went to Hogwarts in the '60s-'70s, it would not be as probable that he is truly 'dirty' unless, of course, he also came from an area without indoor plumbing? He would have probably been roughly around Lucius' age.

I do wonder whether the Weasleys were possibly less into cleanliness due to a Gryffindor habit. I certainly do not recall any mention of them being so, but then they also aren't mentioned as being fastidious either. I only wonder whether that might also have something to do with the Weasley-Malfoy feud? I'm not promoting it however, since it isn't one of the things Draco mentions on the first train trip for how to recognize a Weasley. Although it should be noted that while HE didn't mention it, Hermione DID point out that Ron had dirt on his face, presumably all through the hostilities with Draco. IF I recall correctly, Molly tried to clean off his face at the station.

And of course, Draco is considered a bit foppish, it seems to me, because he does take care of his appearance. That may be fanon or movie influence. I'm not sure if it is actually canon.

Lastly, in support, during bk4 when Harry needs to take an actual 'bath', so he can listen to the egg underwater, he must use the prefect's bath. Is that possibly because the dorms only have showers? After all, my college dorm didn't have tubs - only showers. Quicker way to wash many people in little time. No laying about in a warm tub. In other words, it's possible that a tub is considered a 'privilege' for prefects.


terri_testing March 4 2014, 19:20:40 UTC
RE Weasley cleanliness, Ginny picks a maggot out of Harry's hair at the breakfas6 table (Kreacher's gift) and no one leaves the table hastily....


dorea_ysleen March 4 2014, 19:27:01 UTC

Well, yes, but then again they're all used to dissecting Flobberworms and what-not in Potions, so I don't think a lack of hysterics over a single maggot is an indicator of inferior personal hygiene.


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