Another Imperius question

Feb 24, 2013 14:53

We see instances where the Imperius is cast for immediate use, like when Barty Jr cast it in class, when he cast it on Viktor in the maze or when Tom casts it on Harry in the graveyard. We know from Harry's account that he felt no sign of the persistence of the spell (whether cast by Barty or by Tom), though Ron did exhibit such behavior for a while. On the other hand, we know of cases where people were under Imperius in the long term - Barty Jr by his father, Moody by Barty Jr, Barty Sr by either Peter or Tom. Is an Imperius spell intended for the long haul cast in a different manner than one intended only for immediate use? Do the long term spells need to be recast regularly? Does the spell fade away or does it stay 'on' until specifically released?

In OOTP we are supposed to believe that Sturgis Podmore and Broderick Bode acted on respective Imperius Curses cast some time, maybe days or even weeks previously - Lucius supposedly cast it on Sturgis during one of his meetings with Fudge, Sturgis then acted on it on some night when it was his turn to guard the Department of Mysteries. And in HBP Rosmerta remains under Draco's curse the entire year - how many chances did he have to go over to Hogsmeade to renew the spell if he was also working on the cabinet every free moment?

In DH, did Yaxley have to renew the spell on Thicknesse ever so often? How long did Travers remain under Harry's Imperius?

Which brings me back to the first war: What happened to the true Imperius victims? Most of them were not cursed by Tom himself, so I don't see a reason for the spells to suddenly end with his downfall. Either the DEs stopped renewing the spells (whether because they were caught themselves or because they wanted there to be people coming out of Imperius all at once, so they could claim to be among them) or the DEs actively ended the various Imperius spells they had cast.

unforgivable curses, voldwar i, author: oryx_leucoryx, magical theory

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