So, I was at Otakon anime convention this past weekend (WOOT!) and I ended up taking home this great Harry Potter poster from one of the artists there. I can't reproduce the picture for you but it was a firmly tongue-in-cheek look at the cast of Harry Potter, with all the characters done in an anime style. Here's a description of what everyone's doing:
Draco has apparently knocked over Harry's glass, because Harry is now staring at him with a furious expression on his face while Draco and Pansy just sneer and taunt him.
Hermione is researching a blue blobby creature which somehow found its way into Ron's glass, freaking him out.
Hagrid is bumping his head on a chandelier, as he ferries beer flagons around.
Crabbe is biting into a hunk of meat while Goyle just looks around bored. They are both sitting in the middle of a staircase.
Luna is standing beneath the stairwell, twirling her finger with her head in the clouds.
Neville is nervously making his way down the staircase clutching his pet carnivorous plant.
Fred and George are dangling a slimy creature above Snape's head.
Snape has his nose stuck in a book and is ignoring the others.
Lupin is walking Sirius in his dog form. dog!Sirius is pulling the tablecloth out from under Snape's ice cream sundae.
Ginny is gossiping with Fleur(?) at the top of the stairwell, trying to look innocent.
Bill is looking stoned.
Charlie is freaking out because his baby dragon has escaped from his grasp.
Lucius and Narcissa(?) are chatting with one another and gazing furtively at Harry Potter. They are accompanied by an older, gray-haired man who may or may not be Aberforth.
There is a villain peeking in the window, but xe is too blurred to identify.
Aww, man, I love this poster so much. I actually bought it minutes after I laid eyes on it.