Muggleborns and Magical traditions

Feb 14, 2012 18:33

So I am restarting this topic which began on another post.  The themes of Freudian incest keep cropping up in the series.  And we all know how muggles are treated like chattels by all the magical characters, whether they are designated good or designated bad.  I address these issues here.

The magical world is a dark and sinister place. Simply all the magical lobotomies etc. that go on are shocking to any civilised reader and they are not only routine and normal in-universe, but considered necessary. Even though it is possible for distant descendents of squibs to be magical by fluke, logically it is much more likely that a muggle born witch or wizard is really an illegitimate half-blood resulting from a wizard misusing a muggle woman and cuckolding her husband if that is applicable. Undoubtedly witches get to mistreat muggles in the same way, but then their illegitimate half-bloods would not be 'officially' muggle born.

JKR's view is that incest is not only Okay If A Gryffindor Does It, but actually the proper thing. The Freudian themes are stressed very heavily in the resolution of the series. By then Ginny is of the same category as Lily - a beautiful red headed girl in Gryffindor. Then she is Ron's sister and Ron is like a little brother substitute. She is Molly's daughter and Molly wants Harry to be a surrogate son to her. So the Freudian imagery works three ways. It would be reinforced if Ginny were a close relative of Lily.

JKR is no good at descriptions so it is very difficult to tell whether or not Ginny closely resembles Lily. We know that Lily has hair of a deep coppery red and startlingly green eyes and breathtaking beauty, but that is it. Similarly we know that Ginny has hair of a vivid red and has brown eyes, but that is it. We are never told if either of them e.g. have pert noses or aquiline faces, whether Ginny has truly red hair or orangeish hair, whether either of them have freckles etc. So they could possibly look strikingly alike. It can definitely be inferred as a possibility from the series that Ginny and Harry are close relatives on Harry's mother's side (as well as distant relatives on his father's side).

In the warped mess of JKR's mind, this scenario is not only acceptable, but a desirable thing.

So the question arises - is Lily an illegitimate Weasley?

So I expect you all agree with the hypotheses about wizards and witches misusing muggles in this way, but what about the incest symbolism?

muggleborns, molly, ginny, it's okay if a gryffindor does it, wizard/muggle relations, harry, freud, lily

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