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terri_testing February 6 2012, 03:42:04 UTC
But the Purebloods did go along with the decision (apparently made by Dippet, but probably at Dumbledore's instigation), to drop the Darks Arts from the Hogwarts curriculum and replace it with that watered-down and misleading "DADA" course instead.

And they approved (initially) hiring Dumbles (a half-blood!) as headmaster.

I think it took a while before they understood the repercussions of Dumble's various reforms, recognized that their own kids were suffering, and realized that with a large majority of the younger generation mis-informed that the Dark Arts were "bad," Dark Arts practicioners might be targeted for perfectly legal and legitimate activities....

(I think it also took a long time, and maybe TOM, to make the Purebloods recognize that they'd somehow slid into being a minority. And that not all of their supposed "inferiors" would grant them the deference and privilege they imagined to be their due. In fact, that most now wouldn't. Dumbledore appointed a half-blood to be head of Slytherin House!)

Lucius was reacting to (if we accept Whitehound's reading of Dumbles being appointed ca. 1963/4) nearly thirty years of the Twinkly One's "leadership." (Longer, if we think Minerva was originally hired for Twinkles' vacated Transfiguratio post in 1956 when he moved up.)

And Lucius was apparently the first to act openly to oust the headmaster.

At least, that we know of.

Moreover, to Dumbledore's direct reign add on decades, perhaps, of Dumbledore's previously being the headmaster's eminence grise. (If the persuadable Armando was headmaster all along between the 1940's right up until Albus's ascension to the post.)

And it takes until 1993 and the younger Malfoy's influence on the Board of Governors to decide them to suspend Albus?

I think we're dealing with the standard slowly-warming pot scenario here: at first everything seemed acceptable, then it gradually grew worse, but who will draw the line and
say, no more?

And I think for a long while along the way, the Purebloods truly believed their own children would not suffer as a result of Albus's innovations. Whoever else might.

Perhaps it's Lucius's personal experience of being targeted by Albus's proteges that makes him realize the long-term consequences of misinforming the hoi polloi that Dark equals Evil?

If you look at it, Dumbles has apparently been twisting the education offered at Hogwarts since at least the 1940's (by which time we see him exerting an unhealty influence over Dippet). Fifty years, by the opening of canon. Albus is engaged in ruining his third generation, when we first meet him.....


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