Rowling's Pottermore Notes

Sep 15, 2011 14:04

I'm not a member of Pottermore, so I'm glad that some bloggers have been collecting Rowling's notes from the site. The notes don't have that many surprises, but a few things did jump out at me.

Spoilers Ahead, Obviously )

pottermore, sorting hat, hogwarts houses, mcgonagall, history, quirrell

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oryx_leucoryx September 15 2011, 21:34:48 UTC
COS suggests she had no idea about the previous opening of the chamber. If she started teaching 2+ years out of school (she started teaching in December, not at the beginning of the school year, according to OOTP) then she was even younger than Severus when he started teaching. (This kills my idea that normally there was a policy to keep new teachers from teaching those who knew them as students ( ... )


danajsparks September 16 2011, 00:00:57 UTC
----The third possibility, that Albus switched to DADA for this very reason in 1945 is dead.

I'm kind of disappointed that this possibility is dead. It was my favorite of the options.

I wonder if Dippet taught defense as well as being headmaster between 1945 and 1956, so, when he died, that left both the defense and the headmaster positions open.


sweettalkeress September 21 2011, 00:59:54 UTC
"I roll my eyes at Minerva sharing her father's 'cast iron moral sense' and her 3 month love affair at 18 as 'the only time she lost her head'. But Rowling doesn't read her own books, so... you know the rest."

Kinda reminds me of what she said about Dumbledore when she discussed him and Grindlewald. She's good, really! She just fell for the seductive wiles of an evil man once- 'cause she's totally good but all fallible and stuff....


oneandthetruth September 23 2011, 23:13:47 UTC
Kinda reminds me of what she said about Dumbledore when she discussed him and Grindlewald. She's good, really! She just fell for the seductive wiles of an evil man once- 'cause she's totally good but all fallible and stuff....

Oh, you mean like Snape and Voldemort? At least Snape never plotted to torture and enslave millions, unlike St. Albus. As for Snape's alleged Dark Arts practice, IIRC, the only people who accused him of that were his enemies, who had every reason to lie about him.


oryx_leucoryx September 24 2011, 04:43:14 UTC
And all they really say about him is that he was a bit precocious. Considering how Hermione knows to use at least 2 curses in 1st year (the Leg-locker curse she picked up from Draco and Petrificus Totalus) - so Severus knew a handful more, big deal. And with the jury being out as to whether he invented Sectumsempra or merely copied it down from some obscure source there really isn't much 'meat' to the accusations.


oneandthetruth September 24 2011, 09:35:18 UTC
Not only that, but even if we concede that he did know a lot of curses, that doesn't necessarily mean anything nefarious. Many people collect guns or knives but don't use them to commit crimes. People in law enforcement study crimes and criminals so they can combat and prevent crime, just as scientists study diseases so they can prevent and cure them. Snape may have studied Dark magic because he wanted to combat it, or to figure out why and how people were seduced by it so he could prevent people from falling into that trap. Without knowing why he was interested in Dark magic, we can't know if his alleged interest was unhealthy or altruistic.


harpsi_fizz September 21 2011, 18:04:22 UTC
J.K's not good at math and really should just stop trying to micro-manage the universe.


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