Diddle's posts always bring out waves of comments, and for good reason. The points brought up are thought provoking, if not a little depressing. To me, people who would call this community a "bunch of bitter, angry shippers" are incapable of having intellectual discussions. This place is a beautiful thing: we love the series so much that we can
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Nitpick: potions does require the active use of magic, it just doesn't require *wands.* A Muggle trying to make a potion would just get a toxic mess.
I'm just saying, I don't remember magic for the potions in book 3 and book 2.
I'll modify the idea a little and say that the Squibs would instead take a different sort of potions class. One that was more about the application of potions (as lynn_waterfall suggested "a squib could *use* a lot of magic that was essentially *done* by others") and creating potions that were made without magic. There have to be at least a few that don't require magic, but that a non-magical person wouldn't come up with because the ingredients required magic to obtain.
I always thought that potions were like cook books- following the directions exactly would yield the same results and only the oh-so-clever wizards were smart enough to know which ingredients to mix.
Leticia Somnolens
Medieval, dates unknown.
This spiteful hag was jealous of the king's daughter and caused her to prick her finger on a spindle tainted with a Draught of the Living Death. A young wizard who had smeared his lips with Wiggenweld potion kissed the princess and brought her out of her trance.
It appears the Draught of Living Death causes suspended animation.
Working in the library wouldn't require magic, either. Hey, maybe Irma Pince is a squib, too, but just conceals it better.
Also... considering how many charmed objects there are in the WW, not to mention the existence of potions, it seems to me that a squib could *use* a lot of magic that was essentially *done* by others. Not to mention the possibility of squibs (from some families, at least) potentially having house elves to help them out.
Oddly, in that scene you mentioned, Hermione has the line "-- so it would be down to Filch to realise it wasn't a cough potion, and he's not a very good wizard, I doubt he can tell one potion from --"
I'd ask if JKR forgot Filch was a squib, except this is the book where Hagrid calls him a "sneakin' squib." (shakes head)
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