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jodel_from_aol August 23 2010, 21:03:24 UTC
>*Nick is a true Gryffindor! He enjoys showing off physical injury. He should have a story of recklessness to go with it.<

Well, of reckless incompetence. There was originaly a song which an editor mercifully cut. Relating how he was executed for practicing dentistry without either training or any idea of what he was doing.


Editing urbanman1984 August 23 2010, 21:06:55 UTC
Oh for the days when the editors did their job ;)


Re: Editing jodel_from_aol August 23 2010, 21:44:38 UTC
*sigh* Let us give thanks to the unknown editor, who prevented her from letting Harry win his first Quidditich game by having Hedwig catch the snitch...


Re: Editing for_diddled August 24 2010, 14:17:40 UTC
"letting Harry win his first Quidditich game by having Hedwig catch the snitch..."

Wait, what? Surely not even JK Rowling could come up with such a silly idea as that...


Re: Editing mary_j_59 August 24 2010, 16:31:52 UTC
BTW, this proves that she did not have DH outlined in advance. If she had, what would she have done about that "I open at the close" nonsense, Hedwig being dead?


Re: Editing sharaz_jek August 24 2010, 19:27:03 UTC
I think someone suggested in one of the comments to this comm's DH sporking that that was the real reason for Hedwig's death - her one purpose had been removed.


Re: Editing jodel_from_aol August 24 2010, 21:05:14 UTC
Well, according to a post-DHs interview she did. She said the editor talked her out of it, so, since she now didn't have anything for Hedwig to do in DHs, she killed her.

Otherwise she might have been needed to get the snitch open.

Frankly, I'm not sure that this all even happened. Rowling couldn't stick to one story for a week straight after DHs, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn she made the whole thing up after the fact. It's on the level of the rest of the "inventiveness" that was on display on DHs.


Re: Editing sunnyskywalker August 24 2010, 22:01:30 UTC
Because it's not like they could dye Hedwig an inconspicuous brown and, you know, use her to send messages. But I suppose it would ruin the plot if they actually communicated with anyone.


Re: Editing for_diddled August 25 2010, 07:19:53 UTC
I don't suppose you could post a link to that, could you, as I'd be quite interested in reading that interview...


Re: Editing jodel_from_aol August 25 2010, 17:38:37 UTC
No, I didn't bookmark it. Plus it was during the flurry of post-DHs media attention, so there were a lot of them. Someone probably has a link to it, but I don't.


Re: Editing oryx_leucoryx August 25 2010, 22:13:42 UTC
From Hedwig: Owl of a Different Fate?

We were talking about which bits of the book she had planned from the beginning - what pieces of canon she knew about as soon as she thought of Harry (and the answer to that question is, mostly, in the book; after publication I'll post the rest of this comment to fill out the answer). As it turns out, Hedwig, in the original incarnation of book one, had a very pivotal role that would demand her living through to the end of book seven ( ... )


Re: Editing for_diddled August 26 2010, 07:00:29 UTC
Thanks for the link! :)


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