PoA Chapter Twenty-Two

Jun 25, 2010 10:51

Fudge is telling Snape the Prophet will want to interview him, and he’s sure Harry will tell them how Snape saved him. LOL!

Harry and Hermione duck into a deserted classroom and don't make out. That's how we know it isn't fanfic.

Dumbledore greets Harry and Hermione with a big grin for following his instructions. It almost makes me wish they'd just never gotten his cryptic hint about the Time Turner just so they could be like…well, why didn't you just tell us to do that, then?

Pomfrey stands over Harry and Hermione to make sure they eat their chocolate. Is that really a problem, kids not eating their happy-feeling-giving chocolate?

Snape yells about being unable to disapparate in Hogwarts. Snape and Hermione: SOULMATES!

Dumbledore appears to be enjoying himself at Snape and Fudge's distress, which is pretty dickish. Snape honestly thinks that Sirius murdered Lily and James and tried to capture him, even if he's got a personal grudge against the guy too.

I guess it’s hard not to tease old Snivellus when you get the chance, especially if you're teasing him about something that means a lot to him.

Dumbledore took a risk with that "two places at once" line. Snape would know Hermione's secret and given his sensitivity on this issue he might have started yelling about how they used her Time Turner.

Hagrid comes up to the Trio by the lake. He's sweating and has been drinking all night. Interesting choice for the “friend to children” character.

It’s Lupin's last scene, and he still manages to pull off something brilliant in it. After forgetting his potion, endangering people on the grounds and pretty much being the cause of Peter's escape, he manages to make Snape the bad guy because he told the Slytherins and cast his resignation as something he's doing because he's too noble for his own good rather than really being called for. Well done, Lupin.

Also, Snape told the Slytherins out of spite for losing the Order of Merlin.

Harry proclaims Lupin the best DADA teacher he's ever had. Don't worry, Harry, you'll get a nice DE to take his place next year to take that crown.

Lupin also gives them back the map because now that he's not a teacher he doesn't feel guilty about it. Nobody really believes in rules or restrictions for any good reason.

Lupin says James would have been disappointed if his son never found any secret passages out of the castle. Typically, Harry didn't find any. Some just dropped into his lap for plot purposes.

Am I the only one who reads tons of negative emotion in the last Dumbledore/Remus scene? Because I just can't imagine Dumbledore as anything but coldly furious at learning how much Remus lied to him. He's probably already planning the werewolf spying that never goes anywhere.

Dumbledore explains a life debt, though the whole Snape life debt story is a lie.

Harry confides in Dumbledore about his Patronus because he knows he won't laugh. Harry, nobody would laugh. Stop giving Dumbledore fake sensitivity. Look what he just did to Snape.

Dumbledore says something kind of nice to Harry about the dead not leaving us. I think it’s made nicer by being placed before the books got into constantly and self-consciously Teaching Us About Death without actually saying anything.

Dumbledore references Harry's Patronus on the Quidditch Pitch. I mention it because years from now Harry's Patronus will be some big secret as if he didn't produce it in front of a large crowd.

Everyone's pleased at how justice was done: by relying on Dumbledore to go twinkly and make sure things happen the way they want.

The Trio has passed all their classes-as I would certainly hope. Harry thinks Dumbledore might have stepped in to keep Snape from failing him. Thus basically adding another crime to Snape's rap sheet without having any real reason to think he committed it.

Snape's fingers twitch whenever he gets near Harry, as if he wants to put them around his throat. Which is ironic because he probably wants to kill him for putting himself in so much danger.

So, wait, when does Dumbledore tell Snape the truth about Sirius? Is he just letting him stew about it now?

Hermione's dropped Muggle Studies, I imagine to the relief of everybody else in the Muggle studies classes. Can you imagine Hermione would be in a class where she really did know far more than not only every student but the teacher as well?

She drops two classes and has a normal schedule again. It seemed like she was working a lot more than two extra classes.

Ron casually mentions his dad getting tickets to the QWC. Getting a whole stack of tickets that are hard to get via deals with people at work is "usual" for Arthur.

Ron saves Sirius's little owl when Crookshanks looks at it with too much interest. Say good-bye, Crookshanks. From now on you'll pretty much just be another object that needs to be carted around or disposed of in every book.

So Sirius sent a cat with a postal order that said it was from Harry Potter but ordered them to take money from the account of Sirius Black. And that worked. That would have been interesting to see.

The fact that this didn't get noticed should explain how easy it is to sneak around the WW.

Ron is quite cute when someone actually a) remembers him and b) gives him something. He even holds it out for Crookshanks to sniff because Ron’s the one that gets scenes where we see he was wrong about something and learned better.

One final Owl. Everyone has a pet. The animal theme can end.

And Harry leads the Dursleys through the station knowing he can threaten them with physical harm. Yay!

Things used more than once:
Owl Post…Again!
Snape might not have really saved Harry here, but he has before…
It's as if the only reason Dumbledore told that bs story about Snape owing James a life debt, besides the many useful ways it was used (it was a good cover story for Lily/Snape and gave them the Prank to fight about) was to introduce the concept for Harry and Peter. Snape never seemed to have been beholden to James at all. At least not that way.
Yes, Harry will get tired of hearing how he looks like his dad but has his mother's eyes, DD.
Lupin predicts letters from parents about the werewolf teacher. There will later be threats of letters about the half-giant teacher. Though Dumbledore protects Hagrid.
The weather is perfect, yet Harry is in low spirits. I think Harry ought to think of being checked for the opposite of Seasonal Affected Disorder.
Gryffindor has won the House Cup for the third year running. Always nice to see the Underdogs win. Every time.
Harry arrives home with a threat for the Dursleys. This type of thing needs to keep getting upped in later books, however, because otherwise Harry wouldn't be downtrodden there. So after Sirius the murderer we get the whole Order threatening them and then Dumbledore showing up to knock them around the heads.

It’s a gun. No it isn’t! It’s Chekov! No it isn’t!

I’m sure Harry will tell everyone how Snape saved him
Status: Fired one day, but avoiding anything like self-reflection or gratitude on Harry's part.

Life debt!
Harry did a noble thing in saving Peter. Life debt! A million ideas how that will play out and…
Status: That's it? Peter flinches himself to death? It's like hanging a gold-plated blunderbuss over the mantle in Act I and having someone vaguely point to it in Act IV.
Harry has his mother's eyes
Status: I think it was fired in some way that didn't come across so much? Lily inspired men to love her to the point where they can't look at Harry without being affected.

Idiot World
It's never so obvious as when they think they've got things pretty good, really.

Informed Attributes
The narrator breezily tells us what all others are thinking through Harry's pov, which has a 50/50 chance of being right.

Offscreen Teleportation
The ability of a tiny owl carrying something its own weight can keep up with a speeding train.

Selling Wood
I always picture Dumbledore doing this in his good-bye to Lupin.

Jabootu Score: 4

Wow, that's the whole book. I can't believe how long I've been doing these! They were fun.

And sorry to everyone who found them the hurtful, rage-filled screeds of fury of a duplicitous, whiny Slytherfen!

poa, author: sistermagpie, chapter commentary, chapter commentary: poa

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