society/humanity/people in general.

Sep 14, 2006 20:43

Today and recent events have aggravated me more the useual, and i feel like putting my two cents out there.  Today I saw a dog get run over, and the car just kept on driving. The dog lucky escaped serious injury. it got up and ran away. but thats not the point. this person just hit the dog, ran over it, and then just drove off. who does that. Another thing that happen recently is that someone decide to invite them selves to sit on the new motorcycle ive had for only a month. They also felt the need to knock it over in the process. So now its damage on the right side, becuase some asshole that cant afford their own had to fuck it up for someone else. thanks. Then theres the thing that really gets me. People that are very close to you, that lie straight to your face and dont fell any remorse. Its a wonderful feeling inside when you care alot for someone, and always go out of your way for them, and they cant give you the decency of being honest. Why do people do shit like that. also theres the people that you make a priority in your life, and you think the feelings mutual, when really, youre just an option too them.  Its nice to know people care.right. AND on top of all that the world its self is going to hell in a handbasket. We as american's have millions of people that want to kill us just becuase they thinkhow we live, is right not right. we have crazy foriegn leaders going on about how they got nuclear capabilities so they cant threaten the world to get what they want. not to mention the fact that the world is slowy (but surely) heating up to its doom. and we're just helping it. and why do certain groups of people go on about how they're discriminated agaisnt when how they act is a bring example of why they have the stereo types that they do. Im just sick of it. and thats my rant for today.
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