Title: Revelry - Strangers (i).
niela_xxxPairing: Whiplasher/Cat (Deathstars).
Rating: NC-17.
POV: 3rd person.
Summary: They met in the bar. They fucked. Then they met again. And that was just the beginning.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Cat, Whiplasher or anyone in Deathstars. I'm in no contact with them, I mean no harm with this, I don't get money for this. It's not true. Don't sue me.
Author Notes: This is the first chapter of (still unfinished) series that describes Whip's and Cat's relationship through sex. I hope you will enjoy it! Comments are always appreciated!
IMPORTANT NOTE: From now on, I'll only be sending my stories to
deathsownstars, so if you are interested, join that community. Also, I don't post all of my stories to communities, not nearly all of them. If you like my writing, I encourage you to friend my writing journal -
selfish_cry - where you will get more stories and drabbles.
Click here to read the Revelry story - every comment will make me very happy!