Title: Face of deceit
night_ragePairing: Whiplasher + Cat
P.O.V: -
Summary: Cat has made a big mistake and that will cost him dearly in the end.
Disclaimer: Story is fictional and copyrighted to me, characters are copyrighted to themselves!!
Story contains some bad language, do not read if you are offended by that!
Author's note: Written about a week ago, but no time to post. Also see the end of the story. Please do mind that my style of writing (layout wise) is different from most posters here, but don't be discouraged by it :)
Cat was laying in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position. This had been a very tiresome day and all he wanted to do was get some sleep. Comfy and warm; he slowly closed his eyes and dozed off to sleep.
Only to be awakened by the sound of the doorbell. He cursed and pulled the covers over his head. Must be those nasty kids again that were loitering in the building most of the time. Pulling pranks as always. He was not falling for it again! The doorbell rang again. Cat turned his back to the bedroom door, still trying to get some sleep. He would look horrible if he could not get enough sleep… But the kids would seemingly not give a damn about that as the doorbell rang again. He glanced at the little alarm clock on the table next to his bed. Almost one in the morning. Okay, it was not that very late compared to touring days, but it was annoying him like hell. For the forth time the sound of the doorbell was disturbing the silence of the night. Cat threw the covers from him and stormed to the front door. Yelling loudly when he opened it. “Goddamn pesky kids! I’m fucking trying to….”
But he never finished his sentence when he saw that there were no kids, but that Whiplasher was standing in front of him. He instantly wished he had put on some more clothes before barging outside, but it was too late now. Whip was already checking the view. Cat shook his head and he grunted. “Whip, what are you doing here in the middle of the night for gods sake?” “Well it’s just…well… how should I explain?” Cat arched an eyebrow, this was new. Whip not knowing what to say, that never happened. The man remained silent after those words, staring at the floor. “Whip?!” “We need to talk.” He finally said. “And you had to wake me up in the middle of the night for that? Must be amazingly important then.” He gestured the other man to come inside. “Don’t mind the mess.” He said followed by a long yawn. He had dropped all his stuff on the first space he found when he had returned home. Too tired to put everything in it’s place. And he was feeling more and more tired by the minute. Cat pointed towards the living room. “I’ll be with you in a second.” Whiplasher made his way to the living room as Cat went to the bedroom to grab some clothes.
“And you are here because of…” Whiplasher sighed. “I’m going to be honest with you Cat. Is it true you are quitting on us?” The other man looked as if he had seen a ghost. Where had he heard that? “That’s not true!” He protested. Whip looked at him with a piercing glance. “I’m not so sure about that Casino. I have got this info from a very reliable source.” “No, I swear! It’s not true what you have heard! They are lying Whip!” But the other man seemed unimpressed as he only shook his head at the words. “All the trouble to get you in the band. All the trouble. Such a shame.” He murmured. “It’s all been a waste of time. We should have given the contract to the guy Nightmare had recommended. But no… we just had to pick the most reliable man from the bunch. The one who would use us as some sort of steppingstone to get further.” Cat started to feel lousier by every word that crossed the other man’s lips. Up to the point the could not take it any longer. He fell to his knees in the middle of the small living room, a single tear rolling down his cheek. Whiplasher still did not seem to care. Cat had always been a drama queen and he was definitely not falling for it again. “You’re out Casino.” He simply stated. Leaving the younger man on his knees as he made his way to the front door. Cat wiped the tears from his face, he had really screwed things up this time. “Andy, please. Just let me say one thing. Please?” He said with a small voice. “You have until I walk outside ratboy. You better start talking then.” Tears were starting to cloud Cat’s vision so he kept his head down, staring to his hands that lay folded on his legs. “Yes it’s true. I have had another offer. And I even might have said yes to it. But I couldn’t Andy. I could not imagine not having you around anymore. I could not bare the thought of leaving you guys, especially you. So I declined.” Whip had stopped dead in his tracks, looking over to the other man, who had not noticed that he had stopped walking. “But if you still want to leave, fine. I guess I deserve it. Those words did cut though Whip’s conscious like a knife. Maybe his source wasn’t that reliable after all. Maybe it had been a lie to break up his band. And they had pretty much succeeded in doing so, but doubt was still controlling is feelings. Cat had gotten up from the floor and was walking towards the bedroom once more. He could sleep in now, for many many days. He sighed and let himself fall onto the bed. Wiping more tears from his face as he rolled himself onto his stomach. So much for his career as a guitarist. The other band members would probably start to spread rumours about him, so he would never get a decent job again. Back to playing in some useless home made band. He heard the door open and close, it was final now.
Whip had left.
To be continued?