Malaria! - Compiled 1981-1984
Modern English - Mesh & Lace
The Cult - Electric
Queens of the Stone Age - R
Porno for Pyros - Good God's Urge
Cyberaktif - Tenebrae Vision
Cocksure - tvmalsv
Swans - My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky
The Chameleons - Script of the Bridge
Meg Lee Chin - Piece and Love
Lead Into Gold - Chicks and Speed: Futurism
Cocteau Twins - The Pink Opaque
Depeche Mode - Playing the Angel
Gary Numan - Exile
Gravity Kills - Perversion
David Bowie - Pin Ups
Kazik Staszewski - Piosenki Toma Waitsa
Kirlian Camera - Live In London
Rome - Nera
The Kinetiks - Physical Education
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Kirlian Camera - Pictures From Eternity
Toadies - Play. Rock. Music.