★cut-out, riped, stitched, and sewn★

Apr 28, 2004 16:42

in my bored-ness, i was looking through magazines, and i often notice that the only image produced for "beautiful" people is people who are slim and wear maxamum size 7/8, and most of them have a large cheast. why is this? america is full of people who wear all differant sizes, for we are all differant shapes. so why do magazines produce this "beautiful image"?

are they trying to make young teens starve to look "beautiful"?
do they think that the only people who can be beautiful are thin?

every seven minuets some one in america commits suicide.
why do people ponder suicide? mostly because of depression, and that they are not thinking clearly. some peopole are depressed because they are lonly, without a lover, a friend, a famaily. others for no reason at all. but the another reason for people becomming depressed is because of their image.
we all produce an image, we all have features. but in the magazines, the only image they produce is, slim/slinder people, with beautiful faces. i was watching "Nip Tuck" the other day. and i know that it is just a telivision show, but what i saw was real life things. not things you see on "joe millionair" or "the swan". what i saw was things that could, and do happen in real life. a larger woman went into a lipo suction clinic facility, because her 10 year high school reunion was comming up in about 3 weeks, and she was tired of being larger, for she had been that way her whole life. so she went to the clinic and sceduled for an appiontment. but some how, they made a mistake on the chart, and they couldnt fit her appt. in for that day, and the only other opening that they had wouldnt leave her anytime to heal for the reunion. so she was real upsett, and no one had heard from her for a week. so some one from the clinic went over to her house, and on a large wall in her house, it was full of magazine cutouts, of thin women, their eyes, lips, bodys, everything. her wall was covored. she talked to the lady and was telling her how she had been working her ass of, not eating, and exersizeing that way the surgery would work better, and that it was bull shit that they couldnt get her in. and the lady told her about hte later appt. and she was like thats no time and ect. then she said - you know, i just wanted to go back, and have everyone asking who i was, have the light shine on me for 10 minuets of my life. and maybe, just maybe, i could see "insert guys name here" he was a popular guy, beautiful, with alll the georgus women he wanted. i thought that for maybe just one day, he could see me as one of them, one of the georgus people. - then she turned her back and then the lady told her that she can get help, and layed a busines card on her counter and left. later in the show, the woman goes and sits infront of the wall. and stares at it. then she raises a gun, and puts it in her mouth, and fires. a beautiful large woman kills herself, because for just one day, she couldnt be seen like all the "beautiful people"

now i know that that is just a show, but i remember that. it touched me. and it made me think even more. why? why cant larger woman be seen as beautiful? why should larger people have to think that they are less of a person just because big excutive producers say that being thin is in. im not saying that all large women are beautiful, and that all skinny people are ugly. but i dont understand, why tv and magazines, produce things, that make it where, we as people should think that.

so if anyone out there can answer my question. please do so because i would really like to know why. arent we all created equil? aparntly not.

its not right to see a 12 yr old, leave the stor crying because she cant fit into a size 7 jeans because shes larger. or see a 7 year old being picked on at the playground because shes bigger than the rest of the class.

and to do with that, at school you arent allowed to call a black person a nigger, but they can call you cracker?

i mean common what the fuck is wrong with that?

pics for you to ponder upon

FOR EVERY BODY TYPE on page 38 circled in red

here we are on page 38. petite/atletic/ and HOLD EVERYTHING. curvy?!?
that is not a real curvy woman. all three of them look the exact same!

that is curvy. but look at them, even tho they are curvy, they are still beautiful.
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