La di daaa...

Dec 06, 2004 19:42

I haven't updated in a while, nothing really new here. My tree is up and it is b-e-a-utiful but Chester keeps climbing into the branches and hangs onto them while it rotates. It's quite funny to watch really, you just see this rotating cat in a Christmas tree. But then I have to squirt him because he's a bad boy for doing that although it is hilarious. By the way my tree is fake and if you couldn't tell already, it rotates. Kyle's gone berzerkoid with the colorbars and he thinks he doesn't obsess over anything...think again.

Lately I've been down in the dumps because the lack of my dad in my life right now, yet again he has walked out in this crucial time of my life...oh well. I can deal, I always have and I'll always will. I'm confused lately and slightly frustrated in more ways than one, certain realizations that I don't feel like sharing with the general public and only Colin knows and if he tells, he dies. Not the right time of the week to be messing with me at all. Thursday is our holiday concert and I can't wait because I get to sing and maybe my Aunt and Jess will come up and hear me sing my lungs out.

Today we had Meryl for project adventure and it was fun. It was really funny watching everyone trying to get over everyone and all the boys were scrunched up together on this one ballance beam, quite funny. THey didn't want to get too close for fear of looking gay and certain stuff rubbing up against eachother. Jen was funny on it, she was so happy in between Dylan and Nick C. She even bit Nick's shoulder. Well let's turn to me, I have no new crushes, I think a lingering one has surfaced yet again but maybe I only want what I can't have...
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