Nov 15, 2004 14:37
Yesterday was the most up and down emotional day ever! Well I had drama practice that started at twelve at the high school. Kyle came and we had a blast doing the technical stuff. Then he left around 5:30 and that's when it all went down hill from there. It all started when we screwed up on the Paroo house scene whcih we didn't have instructions to do. None of us, Ally, Megan, Srah, Brendon or me was assigned any of the objects that had to do with that set. SO the producer, Leo AKA cranky old bastard yelled at us for a half an hour about it. Then Leo kept getting on Sarah's case about little stuff that the whole crew did wrong and so finally she broke down and cried for a half hour and hse was ready to quit. SO i ran across stage and told Mr. Sacco and Mr. Macero. THen we had a little meeting onstage with the whole crew including Leng and Mr. Macero told Leo not to yell at us because we're only kids. Then Mr. MAcero left and Leo started trash talking him and yelled at us some more. It was pretty intense.
Then all of the girls went to stage right and I followed. THey were all in this circle with Trudy and AL and they were balling their eyes out. THey frigging made me cry! Ugh! Damn them. I can't stand seeing my friends all brokendown at one time. I felt like such a stupid girly freshman! So we had a situation on our hands, there were five girls blubbering over this stupid smelly old guy and something needed to be done. Unfortunatly Leo as I said earlier is the producer so no one can fire him. But Mr. Macero got into a tiff with him about not going backstage.
Well Leo didn't listen so before long he came backstage and I was conforting Ally because she was pretty bad with the crying and he said really rudely, "Will you start crying if I tell you to do something?" so I responded back, "I wasn't the one crying." and then he accused me of complaining to Mr. Macero and Mr. Sacco and I told him I didn't. Then I told him not to yell at me and he bellowed back, "I'M NOT YELLING AT YOU!" and then i said "But you are." which made Ally crack up and then he scowled at us and started yelling some more and Mr. MAcero came over and Leo and him got into this whole huge altercation. Leo was pointing fingers and hitting Mr. MAcero's hand while Ally and I were watching this huge train wreck in awe. THen Ally and I went Splitsville and she ran crying to the bathroom. ALly almost puked when she saw LEo next and I wonder how she's going to do tonight becuase he's obviously going to be there. It's going to be so bad tonight, I can guarantee. Ally and Brendon want to bring Vodka. HEhehee. Brendon's a cool guy, he likes the same music I like. We were talking about it last night on the gazebo.
So anyway everyone was trying to cheer the stupid crying girls up and Al is a really great guy, he's so funny. Well I was standing on the footbridge and Jimmy came on and he was hugging me and then all of a sudden he kissed me on the cheek. I think he said something after it but it's too a blur now, I wonder if it really happened, well people saw it so yeah it did happen. I was so happy for the rest of the night. So I went home all giddy and told my mom about the friendly gesture and she instantly tried to squash my happiness,
MOM: "He's a senior, Krystal. He only thinks of you as a friend and a kid."
ME: "But he kissed me on the cheek!"
MOM: "He's too old for you. You might as well be twenty years a part."
ME: "But he kissed me on the cheek!"
MOM: "He has a girlfriend."
ME: "But he kissed me on the cheek!"
MOM: "Did he kiss you on the cheek?"
It was the greatest conversation ever. So I was happy all today too until the kissing of the cheek gleefullness got shattered by Alyssa telling me she saw Jimmy kissing his girlfriend in the hall. So at lunch we were talking about it and I was glaring daggers into Jimmy's girlfriend, Melissa, becuase she's in my lunch and I absentmindedly snarled, "I hate her." Then Alyssa asked me why and I said that she was Jimmy's girlfriend and she looked awed and responded, "Well that's not the girl he kissed. The girl he kissed had blonde hair to her shoulders and was wearing white." Tis very strange. Then Jen said Jimmy kissed Geena at lunch. He's such a manwhore. I hate liking him, it gives me too much stress. Damn him and his teddy bear cuteness! Well after lunch Alyssa was walking behind Melissa and she meand Melissa was walking beside a boy that wasn't Jimmy and she kissed him on the lips for two minutes. So then JEn saw MElissa and Jimmy holding hands after that in the halls. WOw, they are one fucked up couple. Well they're seniors what should I expect? So do I smell a breakup in the air or just an open relationship? Hmmmmm...why do I care? Oh damn it. Well maybe he'll give me a little more suger tonight! Heehehee.
Now I have to do my lab report that's due tomorrow. I'm screwed! Well I have an extension. I think I'll try to pass it in Thursday. Oh well.