MusicJunkie16: though please preface it
MusicJunkie16: with the fact
MusicJunkie16: that my original intent
MusicJunkie16: was to write a paper about invasion of the body snatchers for my english class because i had just realized it was due the next day
MusicJunkie16: so it wasnt tottallly out of the blue
MusicJunkie16: i just, sidetracked
Why Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Yoda’s Balls.
Okay. Check this shit out. We got a muppet, just chillin in a lil old area of the galaxy, the swamp planet Dagobah. Oh yeah. And hes got some old dudes hand up his ass.
So hes just chillin.
Now lets say.
That the invaders (ooooooh) of the pod variety, decide, to manhandle and jump Yoda.
Yoda..aint gonna take to this.
Besides the fact, that he must have amazing pain tolerance, with a guys hand, up his ass HIS ENTIRE EXISTENCE
But I digress
The secret
Are his compact, yet surprisingly firm, and powerful, balls.
Look at the picture.
Yoda is very tiny.
Yoda is very powerful.
Theres more power, per inch. Of his body. Or however you would measure the body of a hairy eared anal slave.
Really tiny yet powerful=ridiculously crazy force driven powerful bull balls.
*Insert Led Zeppelin intermission solo*
Okay. I’m back.
Just think about, the pure mechanics, of this equation. One yoda ball, is like, an atom. If you fucking tap into that, that, raw unchained unexplored universe of sheer energy, you could blow some shit up. Hardcore dude. Hardcore.
So in conclusion.
John King sucks.
I’m high.
And if that’s not universal equilibrium, I sure as fuck don’t know what is.
The End