deathscythe81's Halloween party:
_headshrinker dressed as the Dull Power Ranger.
_ipod_ dressed as Cmdr. Riker from "Star Trek".
amp didn't dress up, spoilsport.
annayork dressed as the main character of "Gandhi".
clockworkmonkey dressed as Salma Hayek.
daveway dressed as a cat.
fairythree dressed as a JORFS & Co.Corporation employee.
homerjay dressed as a quarterback for the 49ers.
illusorygaze dressed as a mortician.
katieismyhero dressed as a giant condom.
madush69 dressed as someone called "Lynn Svedin", but you've never heard of them before.
maxverbosity dressed as a Level 10 barbarian.
old_blue_eyes32 dressed as a new superhero: Winter Marvel.
pantslessninja forgot to put on clothes!
parodypictures dressed as a Schipper, Clay & Overstreet ManufacturingAmalgamated employee.
pookamiss didn't dress up, spoilsport.
pvenables dressed as Ted Williams.
richykid dressed as Aquaman.
ryanestrada didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
samuraibutterfl didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
shamrock_19_79 dressed as the Governor of South Carolina.
slurpeefiend dressed as a knife.
tenshibeautiful dressed as Ted Williams.
univeralmom dressed as the Duke of Sertora.
uterdic dressed as the Cardinal of East Irrads.
wednes dressed as a pirate.
xerostarr_9 dressed as Meatwad.
yzfgryphon dressed as a pixie.
Throw your own party at the
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