Oct 09, 2008 06:03

(1:46:29 PM) Kaylin: from a christian perspective, nothing can exist without god, and so science must come from god; same as the 'there are no new ideas' theory- science isnt really our idea
(1:47:41 PM) legatox51: true
(1:49:56 PM) legatox51: but, still. Is it "God" or humanity?
(1:50:34 PM) legatox51: one can not exist without the other
(1:51:32 PM) Kaylin: is what god or humanity?
(1:51:56 PM) legatox51: that everything comes from
(1:52:57 PM) Kaylin: well my answer is god
(1:53:11 PM) legatox51: yes, but if we didn't exist, would god?
(1:53:58 PM) legatox51: kinda like the old chicken or the egg riddle
(1:54:21 PM) legatox51: the answer is more than likely the egg
(1:54:57 PM) Kaylin: well then we gotta delve into evolution lol
(1:55:20 PM) legatox51: well, evolution doesn't happen without birth
(1:55:36 PM) legatox51: so, the egg had to exist first so the organism inside could mutate and become a chicken
(1:56:38 PM) legatox51: :-D
(1:56:40 PM) Kaylin: but it has to mutate in the inbetween stages of the parent and the child, so its possible that the ___ whatever it was before it was a chicken had mutated genes that then produced the egg that would become a chicken
(1:56:44 PM) legatox51: jeff has a brain
(1:56:46 PM) Kaylin: lol
(1:56:57 PM) Kaylin: so then you have to reduce it to genetics and my head hurts lol
(1:57:08 PM) legatox51: so, the mutated whatever came from the egg that came from the whatever parent
(1:58:06 PM) legatox51: :-P
(1:58:13 PM) Kaylin: yep
(1:58:17 PM) legatox51: so
(1:58:22 PM) Kaylin: we solved the chicken and egg equation!!!
(1:58:27 PM) Kaylin: let us never speak of it again
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