Oct 12, 2005 16:49
Las tnight was "Steak Night" at the Mac. I ate around 5, my stomach started killing me around 7, made myself throw up in hopes it would stop around 9, finally, at 11:15, I went to the nurse with severe stomach pains, got a shot in the ass, had an anxiety attack, met an attractive girl, then I sat in the ER for... 6 hours where i had blood drawn, xrays, cat scans, almost passed out, three iv's put in, two of which were screw ups, got a total of an hours sleep all night, then paid 35 dollars for a cab back to school.
the diagnosis: We're not sure what's wrong.
My diagnosis: Food poisoning from Steak Night. Word to teh wise, if ever you have a piece of steak, and notice you're chewing something that feels raw, spit it out.