Mar 20, 2006 01:04
lookit ma ima updating this journalmu jigie ..get?er?done?
lol thats enough of me being a red neck for about the next 10 years wouldn't you agree ?
yes im updating both of my journals today
i had been kinda(it hurts to say) lovesick for a while which is a huge reason why ive been shooting fireballs out of my vagina at ppl for the last few weeks
it turns out a huge part of hating someone is loving their guts with a passion
jayson it transferring out of state to texas
he is trying to convince himself that being fucking 1203 miles away from each other is not that big of a deal and is gonna work ....
im crazy for seeing it the other way around? maybe im just being selfish
i wished him away and now he's going if only all things would work out like "people who i am to kill and get away with" list would be a lot shorter a whole lot shorter lol
And i guess it doesn't really help that im here at his house and spending the night apparently (hes so fucking lazy)
and he's to busy talking to some skank that wants to get in his pants on the phone and listening to "hes ignoring my presence" for the moment
my x and i are a mess wtf is going on
i want out im talking about a shot gun and a bottle of Jack D and parts of his flesh on the walls
.......i need to sleep .
peaceout maggots