hot topic is not punk rock

Feb 17, 2006 19:25

today is ....friday  and it wasnt all that bad lol it even  dare i say it rocked !! 
i downloaded 4 new songs to my mp3 player get this  legally  ....(gives self round of applause) yea that was boss lol
  and  i caught the bus today .. all by my self ...    it was fun ,,,<---never caught the bus before  lol    learned somthing today if  the bus driver likes you enough  or thinks your a swell gal   theyll wont charge you out  the kindness of ther heart  .....   lmao
i caught it  to down town detroit  to the hispanic center cuz me criss and jenn  are volunteering down there ... for credit   ... that was badass 
in other news jayson   has found a way to harass me via the internet with iming and  lj
  he imed me  today telling me i left some shit at his house and i should  probably  come and get it before he threw it out....  he said he would box it up and give me a day   ....nice huh?    i didnt really have time for his shit today  so i made jessica go with me  to his house  ..(shes my   bodyguard lol)  thats a inside nin joke anyway  
i get there  and hes all surprised that im there  and  he kept being all weird  stumbing on words  being dumb   
"oh  yea i didnt really get all your shit together cuz i didnt know you were coming over"

i hate him    but  whatever  i got most of my stuff   the rest he claimed he couldnt find  and he told me to come back like this weekend to get the rest ...... i  think he just wants  me  to come back   so he can  ask me  the 1000 questions he forgot to today  oh yea and try to make me jealous  ....lmao

he was originally supposed to be my valentine  cunt   he gave me  my gifts today as  i was leaving his house  i ended up stay for like 2 hours looking for my stuff   wtf

he made me a clown doll and painted me  a picture ^_^<----loves clowns  lol the doll  is pretty neat  i really  like it  took him  a while  it seemed .;.;.;he wants me to call it suki   he told me i should hang the  portait up in my room because he said made it for my room   i dont get it or him  that doesnt mean  any thing does it ?well i dont think it does
but i am sort of slow arent i 
this is suki


this is the portait... it does really match this wall though

peace out maggots      and for the love of god livejournal  put the color fonts back
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