Please let me win, I don't mind not winning the jackpot but just enough to buy this bad boy.
Its only £204 including shipping and it will me. Plus it would be nice to say "I own a Angelic Pretty piece and it isn't limited to the sweet style." (nothing against sweet, I just like to change style and cross items over into others)
Yeah I can dream, I don't fall for much brand since it has a high chance of not fitting me and of late there has been several brand pieces on sale that would fit me. Ironically thou there is this meta dress set there that is a actually a little bit big for me but it is still pretty.
Well I've got a line on for the Euro and I will put one on for Saturday. If I'm luck, I could win £50 if not more. *crosses fingers* Mind you if I did win the Euro, you'll find out by a large WTB post on DOA. Listing several Soom MDs and Volks Chii, I won't lie that is probably the first thing I would do once I got the money. The second thing would be buying as many bibles as I can to find the items of clothes that I want.
So what are the first two things you would do if given a large amount of money? I don't mean what you think you would do after lots of thinking but the possible too excited to think of the future sort of things.