Jun 23, 2011 14:22
I love the advances technology has made in the way we do things here. Right now I'm on a web/teleconference, where they're sharing the Powerpoint presentation via the desktop sharing feature. It's awesome and I don't have to actually go anywhere.
The annoying thing? The really technologically backward people sharing the conference. They can't figure out the log on, even though it's really simple. We've also all been asked to mute our phones so we don't have background noise. They even gave instructions to do so on the meeting email. And yet we still have several idiots either not muting their phones at all or asking repeatedly how to do that.
Also, the presenter is reading the Powerpoint slides to us. Kind of wasted effort, since I read much faster than she can talk. Ah well, that particular public service habit is one I doubt will ever change...
Oh, and fun news - they're starting layoffs in the Ministry on July 14. I should be okay, but hooray for workplace paranoia.
working girl