Mar 22, 2006 01:53
Its this thing. I almost forgot. Not many people write things in here anymore. I rarly can think of topics to write aboot myself. Buts it's been a long while so I'll see what I cant remember. Work has taken over life. So its work and wrestling work which adds to an 60 hour work week...or there aboots. The 'final' VFW show show was this Sunday and It went off better than I expected, which means the people in attendance had a blast. It had a different feel to it, in my opinion. It could have been that the back was extended greatly, or that the lights in the crowd were turned off, making a focus on the ring, or maybe it was just the weired match-ups that turned out all right. The Monster Energy problably helped with the fun factor aswell. Lazy setup this time around. Everything done from the back so the crowd only saw the action and the camera peeps, nothing else. Even commentary was done in the back. Good stuff mind you. The general feeling is it went off nicely and people had fun, so kudos to that.
Movies keep coming out and I keep missing them. I really wanted to see Ultraviolet. I dont care if the movie sucks like hell, that it only made 14 million in its entire theatrical run, or any other thing. It has Jovovich and im a fan. V for Vedetta, which looks amazing by the way, came out and i still have yet to see it. Ive been a Hugo Weaving fan since Agent Smith in the Matrix. And a Wichoski (sp) Bros fan since..well...the Matrix (noticing a theme?) Natellie Portman looks like Sarah. And Sarah is hot and has big boobs that I like to touch. Put the 2 together and you have one awesome movie along with thoughts of Sarahs TaTas.
The Strip club was had Sunday night. Dreamgirls was the place i went to on my 18th birthday, and we did it again with trent jones. And my did they kick his ass... well, actually WHIPPED his ass. They took his belt off and whipped his bare ass! That made my night. The entire beating he got made my night. And a drunk Bret throwing snow at the parking lot attendent also made my night. Some creepy guy was talking to me aboot wresting as well. I had to keep conversation with the peeps i knew to get the guy to go away. It did little to help. Casino was had afterwards. 9 people alltogether. Food at the food place was had with the nicest waitress ive ever had. I tipped her good. Then i went on to lose 50 bucks. Though i'll put some of the blame on Sam who i meet that night. She played some slots and bet big to lose the cash. The trip wraps up and sleep was had around 9am. Much needed sleep after a very long wrestling/sniff/money loosing weekend.