Dec 10, 2005 13:16
There is something unsettling when you are called an Asshole. Now im not talking about your best bud saying, "You're an asshole man" or even someone you know calling you an asshole. And im not even talking about if you were i a group of people and someone shouts outs ASSHOLE to you. Last night i was called an Asshole...and the fucker meant every letter of the word. It started with a trip to the Olive Garden for some dinner. Rain would be my date this evening as i would talk to her about wrestling shananigans. We drive to the establishment and a parking spot opens up near the main door. So i gun the car and without thinking turned right into the empty spot as the former car full of jolly full persons are on there way home to watch reruns of Seinfeld on FOX. In the mirrors of my car i notice a car behind me, a car that is forzen directly behind mine with the driver looking dead at my direction. It is brought to my attention that i just cut this guy off who was waiting for this spot before i came full barreling in. The situation is funny to me as i laugh about it in the car. Said person in opposite car is clearly waiting for me to exit my vehicle to what some could say "throwdown". The right leg follows after the left as i exit the car and walk toward the entry and minutes away from my table for some food. The fellow proceeds to roll down his window as i pass to let out a "Nice way speeding your car in there Asshole" to me.
Now, was i in the wrong here? Maybe. But this is the first time in my recalled history that i have been called a legitimate asshole. No kidding aside. This is a man who has never meet me, never seen me until this exact time, and who will prolly never see again. But this man will live his days and alway think that the guy who cut him off from a parking spot at the Olive Garden is an Asshole. With all of that said, i am really craving Olive Garden again.