A Contradiction of Terms

Jan 09, 2006 20:14

Today has become a day where I find myself looking upon the past, the future and what lies in front of me at this very moment. It is these things that have brought me here tonight. You see, there is a certain someone from my past that a few days ago stated that I was disrespectful to them. Although I do not want to start a war with this post I do feel the need to clarify a few things in this issue because over the last few months I have listen to this person say how they want to become a better person. Well hopefully this entry might be something of a lesson for them. You see in order to become a better person you have to be willing to accept a few cold hard facts in life. The first being, You aren't top shit. There is a line between confidence and cockiness and quite to often a person will cross that line. Cockiness for example is thinking that you work harder than anyone, you are better looking than anyone, are smarter than anyone and that the world should turn in your favor. Confidence is a wonderful trait to have in yourself but keep it in check. Onto the next thing. Honesty. To be a good person you must be honest not only with other people but yourself as well and sometimes that means bringing yourself out of your own little dream world and back to reality. Instead of trying to play off the fact that you try to make yourself sound like you are the innocent little angel and you are the sweetest thing that can do no wrong. which is a joke in itself but anyways trust me, it's a hard pill to swallow, especially for some, but its one worth choking down. I also have to touch on one last and probably my favorite subject of all of them. Respect. I was told that I was disrespectful with some of my actions but what that same person does not like to admit is what they did by publicly insulting my girlfriend and her looks (which by the way the statement that was made was TOTAL AND COMPLETE BULLSHIT! I've seen you both and trust me the latter of the two takes the prize and other critics agree) was totally disrespectful. You see my actions were made with good intentions in mind but the attitudes and actions of some were mistaken and taken totally out of context. But what can you expect from someone who for months disrespected me and downgraded me and threw my efforts in my face. I guess about the only thing I really want to achieve out of writing this post is to say this one thing. Grow the fuck up and realize the world doesn't revolve around you.
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