(no subject)

Apr 23, 2006 18:49

I missed this meme the first time it went around, but I enjoy making fun of myself too much to not do it.

Top Ten Signs You Are Reading a Fic by deathofletters:

1. At least one metaphor involving a bird or a flower makes an appearance. The entire fic may, in fact, be a metaphor involving a bird or flower (or possibly a mollusk).
2. There is no dialogue, or very little.
3. There was a plot, but it got tired of waiting for the sentences to end, so it went home.
4. If you blink, you’ll miss the sex.
5. Half the story is told in parentheses.
6. Dashes and colons will be overused shamelessly. deathofletters has no punctuation decency.
7. There’s enough repetition to bludgeon an ox; it may be accompanied by internal rhyme.
8. A good deal of it is probably blasphemous. Someone may be compared to Christ. Crosses will make an appearance.
9. It’s shorter than 700 words.
10. Overall, it probably should have been a poem, but is having too much fun mucking about with prose.
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