Sep 04, 2005 12:24
"We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone. Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ecstasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain. By its very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude. Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies - all these are private and, except through symbols and at second hand, incommunicable. We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves. From family to nation, every human group is a society of island universes."
As much as I love Huxley and that book has almost become my bible... I disagree
We are not island universes... and last night i was reminded that is the case. The point is, is that you dont have to communicate between people to understand one another... you dont even have to think of one another. There is some sort of subatomic/ethereal connection between people that can NEVER be broken and will always exist no matter where you are, what your doing, what your thinking about, how sad you are, how happy you are, whether your in love or in hate, whether your alive or dead, whether your in ecstasy or about to top yourself.
We don't suffer and enjoy in solitude.... we just sometimes forget that on the other side of the bridge there will always be that other person smiling... not necessarily looking in your direction... but smiling... and that is enough.