Jan 21, 2007 17:45
good weekend, friday was queit,got to see my sis again. saturday was nice saw more of the fam but then hung out with cati wich was cool and good since i hadn't seen her for months. afterwards was amused by elcamino kids/tiffany crabb's friends over at danny z's house so that was fun. today slept till 1 had egg 'n things and went to the dog park both with my rents. love the dog park, got to have some little talk with my dad wich was nice too. love how silly my dogs are. and i'm sorry but there was a pugg club and i felt like puking. they make weird sounds. like a normal dog ran into a wall and the nose got shcrunched up or something.
honor roll last quarter. don't remember if i posted that or not.
life is such a process seriously. and well i'm a late bloomer/developer aint i and gonna take fucking forever.
have to start doing just weekends again with my greens/be clean for job interviews. later, like by march
homework load is getting bigger too. gotta be on top of it. it's annoying/hard/i just wanna yell at the top of my lungs now don't i. weekends may be my only green time soon
sometimes wish i could stop the world from revolving around our one star. just so i could have time to do all that it is i need to do.
or maybe 28 hour days maybe 32 or 34 i don't know. just don't know.
time always seems so fleeting doesn't it.? so my int. buisness class love it bc i'm learning and just realerning so much randomness.
forget how young america is. just around 200 years ya know.
reading up about governments and just the world. sorta crazy but interesting
peace love and all that.