Title: "Ryuk Mows the Lawn"
Author: Sashocirrione
Spoilers: Spoilers for everything up to episode 9 of the anime, chapter 18 of the manga.
Rating: T for teen or probably PG.
Warnings: Rated T for teen. Mentions of violence and mentions of implied murders.
Summary: Light is confident that Ryuk can handle the task of mowing the lawn, with apples as payment, of course.
Pairings: None
Additional Notes: All canon events previous to the start of this fic have occurred as normal. This fic occurs during the gap between when Light has his college entrance exam (January 17th) and when Light starts college at To-Oh University (on April 5th). This months-long gap occurs in the middle of episode 9, with only the change in weather (from snowy to showing green things everywhere) signifying to people unfamiliar with the Japanese academic schedule that such a long time has passed. In the manga, this period occurs between the end of chapter 18 and the beginning of chapter 19 (both chapters are in volume 3).
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, and I do not make any money from these writings.
Links to the story: (same content at each link)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/132883 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6471326/1/Ryuk_Mows_the_Lawn http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600050805