Apr 21, 2006 02:44
Well, I hadn't figured you people actually read this stuff. You must have a notifier so you can see when I write new entries, cuz I know you don't visit my page on your own. To explain a bit more on the previous post, for those paying attention. The criminal act was me getting involved with a minor, nothing big. I got the charge dropped down to "private indecency" which is pretty much just a spot on my reconrd and nothing more. As for the club, it's in planning statges. I have a couple options for high end investors and an idea, nothing more yet, but I have some semi-intelligent and very sucessful people that are willing to help me out with it, so hopefully it will become an actualization within the next year or so. Anyhow, that's my blab for the day, I'll try and keep you all posted on life better as much as I can.