Shattered Affections

Aug 05, 2012 14:57

Title: Shattered Affections
Fandom: Transformers AU
Author: deathmustang
Pairing/Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Ratchet
Warnings: Mentions of rape
Disclaimer: Transformers is not mine, I just have fun writing with thw characters
Ratchet awoke to the song of birds as he shifted on his berth. Blinking his optics a few times the healer sat up and stretched sighing as he silently welcomed the day. The crops had been well this stellar cycle the bounty of their harvest ensuring there were few serious illnesses. Grabbing his satchel after putting on his clothes Ratchet headed to the clinic. He lived in a small yet cozy hut he’d lived there since he was a young mech. The village of Oaklancove was a quiet village they were so far away from other villages that trouble rarely reached them. For that Ratchet was thankful, it meant his home wouldn’t be subject to a Selection. His calm mood was soured at the thought of carriers forced from their homes to serve the nobles’ constant need for heirs. He’d heard word that Nobles were looking for carrier’s since there were none left in their own realms.
’Hmph, probably because they’d already fragged most of them’ Ratchet he thought scornfully. Nobles needed heirs for their estates if the carrier didn’t provide any they were either thrown out made untouchable with the label ‘barren’ or killed. It sicken him how the nobles would treat their own and made him happy there were no ruling Lords in the area.

Ratchet entered the Oaklancove’s clinic. Welcomed by the faint aroma of herbs he set his satchel aside and got to work. Herbs needed to be prepared, storage had to be checked, and linen had to be replaced. He worked quickly in case of any patients that came by; one never knew what could walk in those doors. By the time he was finished he had a few patients waiting, smiling warmly he lead the first one in.

Ratchet entered his hut glad to be home after a long day. There hadn’t anything to serious except for Metal Brawn getting attacked by a pair cyberwolves. The mech would He’d be okay but only with plenty of rest. Sinking into a chair Ratchet ran a red servo over his face. His day though long had been better than most or would have been if Ironheel hadn’t showed up.

Ironheel was a mech that was determined to have Ratchet as his mated no matter how many times Ratchet refused, avoided, or even hit him with a wrench. The stubborn mech always came back claiming it was just Ratchet playing hard to get. The mech had an ego the size of a turbobear and then some. He always had on expensive cloths and smelled strongly of a scented wax that burned Ratchet’s optics. The mech was so dense that there wasn’t a femme, or mech for that matter, that wanted him. He had come into the clinic while Ratchet had been with a patient and had done did everything he could to get in the way. It wasn’t until Ratchet had smacked him in the helm hard enough to dent that Ironheel had left. That had been fine by the healer, right now all he wanted was to curl up into his sheets and sleep.

A loud crash followed by an ominous roar jerked Ratchet out of his seat by the loud sound. He looked around startled realizing he’d fallen asleep in the chair. Another crash, closer now, forced Ratchet to get up. He moved to his door to investigate the noise in outside, but could only freeze in horror as flames devoured the clustered homes around his. Oaklencove was burning!

Mechs and femmes screamed running as their homes were set ablaze. Petrified, Ratchet watched as some were captured and drug away. The flames engulfed Oaklencove in a matter of moments forcing Ratchet to run. He dashed through the smoke filled covered streets coughing as it entered his intakes.

“Ratchet!” he looked back at the call peering anxiously into the smoke. A blue femme limped towards him a bundle clutched possessively in her arms. Wasting no time he moved to support her through the smoke.

“Clearway what happened?” he coughed.

“They came out of nowhere Ratchet,” she breathed heavily. “They’re slavers and they won’t stop until Oaklencove is burned to the ground,”

“Frag it,” he cursed. Slavers cared for no one of rank or file so long as they got the credits they desired. They would even kill a sparkling to get their way. Speaking of sparkling, Ratchet looked over into the bundle to see a youngling just out sparklinghood that held on to his carrier, blue optics full of fear.

They navigated the streets and alleys Ratchet helping anyone he could that wasn’t offline or captured. Clearway stayed with him her condition getting worse. He had stopped the bleeding but Clearway had always been a frail thing. She’d nearly offlined when giving birth to Astrogold. Now it appeared this wound would do her in leaving the youngling without a carrier.

A flash of light sent them into a dark alley as the slavers searched the village for any stragglers. Huddling behind the largest mound of debris they hid in the darkness. If they could reach the edge of the village the forest would give them cover but, the slavers blocked the route they needed. Now it was just a waiting game. However, it appeared Primus was not on their side this night as Astro whined just as a group came near.

“Did you hear that,” one of them said darkly.

“Sounds like a little one got left behind,” Ratchet could hear the smirk in the mechs voice. “Check the alley leave no stone unturned,” they began searching in the alley. Clearway shook in fright as they got closer. Ratchet’s mind was on overdrive trying to think of a way out. If they made a run for it now they’d get caught for sure, but if they stayed here they’d be caught, Clearway killed, and Ratchet caged along with Astrogold.

‘Frag it!’ He cursed silently. There was nothing he could do unless - unless he lead them out of the alley and away from Clearway. But, that wouldn’t guarantee they wouldn’t follow! Thinking over his options he made his decision.

“Clearway,” he whispered. “When the time comes run for the forest and hide,” she looked up at him aghast.

“Ratchet you can’t mean,” he nodded “But they’ll capture you,”

“Better me then you and Astro! They’ll kill you then take Astro and sell him to who knows where. Please Clearway, just do it,” She was about to protest when he leaped up of pushing a load of scrap onto one of the slavers.

“What the-”

Ratchet dashed down done the alley the slavers right behind him. Ducking into holes, leaping over obstacles, he refused to make this easy for them. No, if he was going to be a slave he’d go down fighting. His luck ran out though when he reached a dead end.

“Well, well lookie what we’ve got here, mechs, a pretty thing this one,” The closest slaver called to the others in his slimy voice.

“Shut it, Crankshaft just get him checked and into the wagon,” the oldest of them stepped forward. “Listen here, mech. Let’s make this easy and just tell us if you’re a carrier or not. If you don’t we’ll just do this the hard way,” Ratchet ground his teeth in fury at the mech’s words.

This was for a Selection! Some Pit-spawn noble had paid them to find carriers. The question riled Ratchet, no one ever asked to know that. He snarled at the mechs balling his fists.

“The hard way then, Get ‘em boys but don’t harm him he’s no good to us injured,” they surrounded Ratchet and forced him to the ground by brute strength and sheer numbers over his struggles.

“Get off me you Slaggers,” he kicked out nailing one in the face knocking him out.

“Frag it, hold him I’ve got to check his spark,” the old mech shouted. Ripping Ratchets top open they forced him to open his spark chamber revealing a crystal clear spark that all carriers had. “This one’s a carrier alright prime condition too doesn’t look like he’s raised one yet boys,” they cheered at that. The purer the carrier, the more the nobles were willing to pay! “Load him up then see if there’s any more”,

Ratchet fought the whole way there kicking, snarling, and shouting curses that made a few of them blush. They threw him into one of the largest wagons slamming the doors shut. Ratchet sat up as best he could with his arms bound then looked around. There were ten others with him most of them far too young to carry but that didn’t matter to the slavers. As long as they fetched a good enough price the slavers would sell ‘em as sparklings. Ratchet checked them for wounds as best he could before the wagon jerked forward. They were leaving, and Ratchet wouldn’t see daylight again until he was sold for breeding.

character: sunstreaker, character: ratchet, author: deathmustang, character: sideswipe
