Jul 29, 2005 21:46
so cate keeps saying that she's no good at giving parties, but we are regardless giving one tomorrow for bob's FORTIETH BIRTHDAY, which, well, it's a good landmark. the problem is that cate is totally insane under stress, leading to exchanges that go like this:
cate: ok, so put the plant in the living room.
bob: you got a plant? so it can die? again?
cate: yes. yes, so it can die, but NOT BEFORE THE PARTY.
NOT BEFORE THE PARTY is basically the catchphrase of the week, actually. also, cate seems to feel that people will wander around checking for dust mites and things, so EVERY INCH of the house is cleared, also the previously vine choked asphalt by the side of the house. in which there were about eight tiny, tiny civilizations that i callously destroyed. maybe this is a normal party thing. if so, i am nevereverever giving parties.
also! i keep rereading my l.m. montgomery books. for those of you who didn't have incredibly sad childhoods, she wrote anne of green gables and a bunch of other really demoralizing books about really, really good people with wonderful lives. no, seriously.