Jun 21, 2005 23:36
yeah well im real pissed slash upset
i call my grandma on sunday to check on her and get my dads phone number so i could call him in flordia and tell him happy fathers day well she doesnt answer so i call her all day and she never anwsers which is really weird but anyway i get up on monday and deside that im gonna try my grandma again still on answer well by this time im was really freckin out cause i was afraid that she fell and couldnt get up or something well i told my mom on monday night that i couldnt get ahold of her and i was worried so she called my aunt and uncle in wisconsin....no answer there either so she left a message to call her back....well i get out of drivers ed today and i try to call my grandma again still nothin so i call my mom and i said u no did aunt chris or uncle john call back she said no but i called ur uncle greg in bloomington and i didnt get any anwser there either so i called ur aunt donna and she said that she hadnt talked to ur grandma but she had talked to ur cousin julie and ur grandma told her that she was leaving for Flordia to go see ur dad with ur aunt and uncle last thursday!!!! Well isnt that the bigest load of bull shit u have ever heard in ur whole life here i am freckin out cause i cant get a hold of my grandma and she is in flordia visting my dad and she didnt even bother to fucking tell me u no i dont care that they did ask me to go but at least tell me....and the other thing is i havent even seen my dad since i was 12 so u no i would have liked to see him to well u no what fuck them all i hate them! no actually i dont i love my grandma so much but why would she do that just not tell me? some fuckin family
I love Andrew he rocks my socks!!! i hope u have a great time in flordia and i am praying for ur grandpa(s)