so i wrote some stuff a few weeks ago. there are four things and two are sexy so BEWARE OHNOES1!! ps, they are all unrelated so do not go looking for anything cohesive, okay?
Dude, I've written some things that never even saw the light of my private LJ. POST UNDER LOCK IF NEED BE.
(what's it aaaabout.)
You should! I'm trying to recruit members, but all I have so far is my sister, lintwhite! Not a bad thing, but! :D We could use more men to carry out our mission: Deathmance for all.
You already know how much I love these, but I just wanted to say that using a Klaus Nomi icon in a post with anything remotely sexy in it is wrong, madam.
Comments 13
I want to post my Mol/Brock on the main drag, but I never see fic posted there. I would feel like the kid who brought Kool-Aid to the keg party.
EVENTUALLY i will post a link to the deathmance community in the main one. because maybe they don't know we are here?!?!
(what's it aaaabout.)
You should! I'm trying to recruit members, but all I have so far is my sister, lintwhite! Not a bad thing, but! :D We could use more men to carry out our mission: Deathmance for all.
it is about sex, haha. and some emo things because neither of them knows how to deal with emotions properly and i find emotional pain hilarious.
#2: Now Klaus doesn't show up at all??
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