Apr 24, 2006 12:27
At the current moment, I may have secured an older camera from Young Electric and Sound. However this is uncertian since my contact (and the equipment) is situated in Wisconsin. I hope he can get to me in time...
Another option has opened up to me. C.O.D. has cameras suited for my needs. The problem is that I am not taking a film class (let alone any arts-based classes). If anyone wishes to help me out in this matter and help check out a camera for me (you still will be rewared with what I list below), this would be most appreiciated.
I have also been able to grab a copy of Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 and been playing around with it.
Also, accoding to the internet fourms, there have been some guidlines on filming. Luckly, the worst one is not being able to film events or panels. I'll try to work around this somehow (i.e. not really care and just do it anyway), but keep in the back of your head that there may not be enough footage for another ACEN video (or nothing good anyway). I will do my best though, even if it means by unsavory means...
Other than that, film day is only 10 days away. I really need that camera you guys!
President and Head Producer of HFOI and HFOI Films.