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redbrunja Give me a fannish topic and I'll meta for at least 100 words. Then I'll give you a topic to meta on for at least 100 words.
(Fandoms include: THG, ATLA/LoK, BSG, Spartacus, LotR/Tolkien, Neverwinter Nights 2, HP, GoT/ASoIAF, Breaking Bad, Homeland, some Marvel and DC, Firefly, Sleepy Hollow, Les Miz, PotC, or historical)
SYMBOLISM FTW. He really is in conflict with it one way or another for a good while--lacking drinking water in the arenas, the dangerous salt water of the Quell arena he could drown in, desperately needing it to get clean after killing and whoring, drinking "water of life" (whiskey) obsessively to drown his traumas, being tortured with it.
Water has been something he either needs desperately, or fears. It's only when he starts to get that inner balance again, and basically undams himself and gets flowing again, that he's not inclining towards either extreme as he was before.
His fear of fire, from having people he loved suffer and be burned by it, kind of goes along with the notion that fire can basically make water disappear by evaporating it. Get too close to the fire and he might vanish completely.
Likewise, Johanna's fear of water kind of parallels her fear of her own drive and will going out if she gets "soft" somehow, like water getting thrown on a fire.
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