Wicked Winter: a THG Ficathon

Dec 05, 2012 11:05

So in the interest of coming up on the holidays, sabaceanbabe and I have decided to host a ficathon for steamy The Hunger Games prompts. So if you've been dying to write that naughty "snowbound chars keeping each other warm" prompt, here's your chance. ;)

Banner by sabaceanbabe

1.) It lasts as long as it lasts.
2.) All THG pairings and ships are permitted. Using OCs is just fine. Het, slash, and femme are all welcomed!
3.) Panemverse fic only. Panem-based AUs (Cinna survives, the rebellion fails, etc.) are allowed. No out-of-'verse AUs (Revolutionary War, college, etc.) There's a lot of Panem we know virtually nothing about except for that district's industry. So for example, if you really want to write hot sex under a Christmas tree, as a writer, you could do something like make holiday trees part of a District Seven culture.
4.) If it occurs in Catching Fire or later, please put this as a spoiler warning. Some readers may have only seen the THG movie.
5.) List only one prompt per comment, please, but you're welcome to prompt as many times as you like.
6.) Consider sharing the love and writing an unwritten prompt first, but prompts are just fine to have multiple answers from different authors.
7.) Use the following trigger warnings. Dubcon/noncon, underage, violence/injury, char death, heavy D/s dynamic, and drug use. If you'd like to use other warnings, that's appreciated.
8.) Sexual content can be PG-13 all the way through NC-17. Whatever your comfort level is as a writer. PWP is fine, as is stuff with plot.
9.) For longer prompt fills, just post the text on LJ, AO3, ffn, Tumblr, and post a link in the comment. Cross-posting in general is encouraged.
10.) Be nice, have fun, enjoy the stories. ;)

A prompt should consist of a character (if solo action) or a pairing (or threesome, hey, whatever floats your boat), or even an Open to All Chars, and a prompt. This prompt can be as small as one word.

Prompt fills should have a header:
Rating and Any Content Warnings
Any Spoiler Warnings?

I'll add some Open To All Chars prompts based on the various districts. (And yes, HID/AFAF readers, these are those infamous "Splendor" prompts I keep teasing you with.)

ETA: There is now an AO3 collection here to help archive prompt fills! Thanks to sabaceanbabe for that. For those of you who may not have an AO3 account, comment or PM me and we can probably work something out about someone posting it for you?

fandom: the hunger games, writing, ficathon

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