well I havnt put much art up here lately since I havnt really drawn much other than clothes I will potentially make one day or senior project stuff and anything I draw unrealted to my senior project comes out like crap... soo...
since I cant draw./.. why not the pictures I took for my photography class huh?
This one below is my favorite.. its the lockers right outside mr crows class.. you can seee where his class is at the top of the door is a flag and a name tag thingy (the closest one) I spend 4 periods of the day in the class out of 6... yea.. I know I'm crazy.. but he teaches 1st and 2nd period as graphic arts.. 3d is photography and then 5th is visual arts (basic art) yea.. my only other classes are word processing (lets learn those secratary skills! o.o) and Senior lit *yawn*
enough about my school scedual...
This is right outside at the frount of the school... or rather inside the front.. sorta... hard to explain to people who have never been there in person...
This is right next to the picture above.. on the otherside of those trees is the windows to the front office
this is just a random tree outside the school with a vine on it (one of my required subject areas is vines or flowers or something)
at the back of the school they have cement, somewhat ellegent stone tables and chairs that 3 years ago where used for a picnic area outside the lunch room.. yea 5 years ago students where allowed to leave campus for lunch.. 4 years ago they stopped that but had an outside lunch area for that year and half of the next.. then.. they stopped.. took the tables away and yelled at anyone outside at lunch time.. last year you got scolded at for going to your locker at lunch.. this year you get detention possible ISS (which is like school jail for a day or I think its abreviated for in house suspension or something) if your even WALKING to the lunch room after the tarty bell rings .. who knows what next year will be like... I dont care and am very glad I'm leaving this school in my dust in may
just another picture of the above picture with a side of the bench in this one
thought youd all like to see my current work *shrug*