Title: JK Rowling And The Missing Minorities (The Politically Correct Harry Potter)
minnow_53Rating: PG-13
Era: Various, ranging from Marauder to post-DH.
Summary: A humble fanfic writer shows the High Priestess of Children’s Fiction the way to political correctness, including the need to observe LJ policy at all times. Where fandom leads, the great authors will follow...
Warning: I suspect this will offend a few people, but not as much as JKR has offended some elements of fandom! Obviously, it’s a work of fiction, and I intend no disrespect to any group or character mentioned herein.
Thank you: To
astra_argentea for reading through.
Spoilers: Yes. DH spoilers ahoy!
( It has been brought to my notice via Fandom Wank and other sources...)