(no subject)

Mar 24, 2005 14:18

Grrrrrrr.. Good riddens.. im angry.. dad and grams said that monica cant spend the night anymore because we wanted to talk without anyone around and the only way to do that was to go outside.. well.. they let us go outside for a bit but we had to stay at this corner.. twas stupid.. we wanted to go to the church across the street and sit at the benches.. they wouldnt let us.. and then monica asked "why" we had to come in when they wanted us to.. and dad gets all pissed and says to me "no child will talk to me like that shes never gonna spend the night again" thats soooo stupid! monica doesnt know how he is.. how the hell is she supposed to know! gah.. i dont think its the reason that she said "why" i think its because they both believe that monica and i smoke weed.. so they thought we were going off to smoke weed that night.. tis stupid.. monica and i have never smoked anything in our whole lives besides maybe a ham....lol smoked ham.. get it?? hahaha well.. anyways.. my siblings and i had some sibling bonding time.. and we took pictures! here you go:

Aren't we Cute??? lol

I look hot in this one... *giggle*

Trish looks sooo demented.. lol

Looky Looky! I'm smiling! Ross is soo adorable..

Ross is a very smart kid.. :) I was mushing him.. lol.. poor baby.. its better than him mushing me..

Gwosh.. I love this picture.. tehehehe.. Ross on Prozac.. lol not really..

A kiss! for you.. tehehehe

Muhahaha.. I got one I got one! lol

Me.. lol.. I'm thinking about taking up modeling.. me right??? lol I'd be really good at it..

See!! I would be.. :)

Gah! just proving my point..

Muhahaha.. I so purty.. lol

Bah.. Ive given up on saying that Im ugly.. even though sometimes i am! regardless of what anyone says! so ha! lol i just contradicted myself.. tehehe.. oh well.. *sigh* i miss acting.. i havent done that in a while... ever since after my surgery i havent done much acting.. it sux.. so.. im going to find a monolouge right now! to perform at Guerilla Theatre next week! muhahaha.. Acting is my life.. I love it.. I want to major in it.. but the way im going, im going to be a nurse.. yay! what fun... I dont know.. When i get in college im taking it.. Ima see what I can do.. I really really really wanna be an actress.. but i have no idea where im going with my life exactly yet.. gah.. the future can be sooooo confusing sometimes.. well.. guess thats all.. love to all..

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