Oct 04, 2008 03:18
Call me a sheep. at least they're cutely moronic...
[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
oooooh....spooky. OF COURSE.
[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Um... no. For at least 2 resons I'll list here. One: family history of Fucked up brain chemistry/horemonal imbalance. Two: I do not need to escape reality through chemical sources. spinning in place works just fine for me.
[03] Abortion: for or against it?
When you abort you're killing your own kid. Fact. Whether or not you think they are "alive" at the point it hapens or if they're concious, it's still true. That being said, I'm for it. Yes, you're killing a child, and probably doing it a favor in the process. Fucked up as that is, inhuman as that may be, it's thr truth and both sides of the argument can kiss my ass, cus I'm tired of hearing the crusaders go at each other. It's a Holy war that won't end. EVER.
[04] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
President of What?! The Cat Fancier's Club? DEFINE PEOPLE. As for "Would the US fail under a female US president"... the answer is simple. Is the US failing now? Is the president female? Then it doesn't matter what gender it is now, does it? 'NUF SAID.
[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?
I don't think it works on a societal level, but I sure feel better when serial murderers and really fuckin' psycho killers get fried. Makes me sleep better. The only thing is, it's not making the problem any better. But that's a social thing anyway, and a human thing, and until breeding/cloning/gene therapy takes out a bit of our humanity, it's gonna be this way for all time.
[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Yes and No. I work at a convenience store. I'm already done with selling alchohol and ciggarettes to people. Done with helping peoples addictions. That being said, I think it should, and be regulated, and taxed. Even when THAT is done, people are going to be upset with the legal smoking age, and try to get it before they're allowed, like with cig's and alchy. One more thing I'll hate about being a purveyor.
[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I've abstained most of my adult life, and when I partook I was damn sure n ready. Like anything else that can become addictive or a supplement to dealing with life, I think it should be done responsibly. So... I'm for, kinda.
[08] Do you believe in God?
[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Gawd damnit YES ALREADY! Is it going to fuck with taxes or morrals or society? No. Get over it already (spoken by a rather liberal person, so I'm outside the "shock and awe" zone)
[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Did my own ancestors make it into this country legally? Hell if I know! (note to self: check with ancestry.com on this). Hispanics (or Mexicans as I call em, though they're from all over south and central America) are just the latest wave of people to shape the tapestry that is the social background of the US. Do I like a blank stare when I serve some Fresh-Over-the-boarder looking guy in hobbo clothes? No, I'm always thrown off by it. Do I hate the guys who come in EVERY DAY and only buy beer? Yes, and it doesn't matter that they're white, black or otherwise, but I do notice the mexicans more. Do I hate that I know they're living in canyons in between housing tracts, sleeping in bushes? FUCK YES.
I hate that they have to live that way HERE. It's basically like back home for them, but for me it's jarring and wrong. And it's not going to get better. Period. Cus Mexico, et al can't or won't deal with the loss of people. They are extatic that the illegals send their money back home to their families. It's not a severe cramp in our economy, but it sends the wrong signal to them saying that it's noble and right for them to sacrifice their lives and safety, come over to a new country and work their asses off for their families back home. They need to BUILD UP BACK HOME.
[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
From all sides of this argument, the answer is no. The 12 yr olds family would not be a healthy environment, based on their childs lack of forethought or responsability. so... Nope. Not at all.
[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
Oh god, I hope not. I'd rather the stuff was only home made, so people would have to work for it instead of stagger into MY store for it, or try to show me some fake ID for it. It's cheaper to buy beer than an energy drink. by at least 50% That's fucked up yo.
[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Too late. If we'd never entered, then yes. If we left it'd collapse on itself. It already is. it's a social problem, not a military one. You're not going to get the Iraqis to think like us ever. Thusly our solutions aren't going to work for them. We've thrown their world into a new hell of chaos. We can't afford to stay and if we up and leave, they'll get someone even worse in power than before. we're fucked and they're fucked. It's now a symbiotic relationship. If one fails the other suffers and vice versa.
[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Kinda. Suicide is just stupid if it's for emotional or situational resaons. If it's because you're dying and are in pain and will be IN pain for months before you eventually kick it, then by all means. Sometimes it is better to let the person die than force them to live.
[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Beatings, no, spankings, yes. Depends on the kid though. some kids get it, don't need a strong hand to guide them. Some (like me as a kid) was just a tester, and always pushed the buttons and boundaries. At that point a good noisy stinging slap on the bum works just fine. Used improperly, as a substitute for actually teaching your child, or as a lazy way of keeping them in line NEVER works and is harmfull. Again, responsibility.
Besides I think ya gotta get a license to even HAVE a kid anyway.
[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Money is NOT a proper reason to burn a symbol. You do it to shock people into action, to get them rilled up. To do it for Money would be prostituting your beliefs and patriotism and that's just not right.
[17] Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Um... McCain from 8 years ago, yes. Or better yet Collin Powell. Obama has all the answers but none of the experience,a nd Current McCain is so out of touch with what the people need or want that he'd be a figurehead again like the W is now. A potentially dangerous figurehead. In order to build cred with the world, I'd go for Obama.
Honestly, I kinda think he's the antichrist. Guy who will unite people and make them work together and be a good guy... sounds like the antichrist to me!
[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
afraid, no. Aware, yes. it is human to judge. And good, so long as you can do so with a fair eye and an even heart.
See with eyes unclouded.