+ Under Attack +

Mar 28, 2009 10:24


The... onslaught... ::STATIC:: quite quickly now.
I don't know how ::STATIC:: longer we'll ::STATIC:: able to hold out.

Dish TV is ::STATIC:: useless. It's harder ::STATIC:: get information from the outside world.
If Mother Nature so ::STATIC:: as sneezes... that shit goes ::STATIC:: off the air.

Back up generators are at ::STATIC:: capacity.
Asking my fellow survivors to ::STATIC:: energy and only use what ::STATIC:: absolutely need.

Boy... could I really ::STATIC:: for some taquitos right ::STATIC:: now.
I know Delta Squad just ::STATIC:: back ::STATIC:: a scouting mission...
but I think ::STATIC:: have to send them ::STATIC:: again on a hunt & gather.

They won't ::STATIC:: happy... ::STATIC::::STATIC::::STATIC::::STATIC::::STATIC::::STATIC::

+++ Report_Update +++
+++ Arctic_Station_#14_Code_Name: BRRRRRR +++
+++ Begin_Report +++

Delta Squad has ::STATIC:: from the taquito run. They failed.
They lost 2 members and ::STATIC:: even ::STATIC:: any taquitos.
They on::STATIC::aged to get some Long ::STATIC:: Silvers.
They also failed in acquiring hush ::STATIC:: instead of the coleslaw.
Those failures. I'll have to bring ::STATIC:: squad leader ::STATIC:: on disciplinary charges.

The Ablino Brain Chigger attack ::STATIC:: unabated.
The world I ::STATIC:: knew is nearly gone.

Was it ::STATIC:: it?
Was it all worth it?

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