last night, while pointing out that Jensen once again used Dean's ring to open a beer on Supernatural,
__tiana__ linked her F-list to the newly released stills from last year's Born Under a Bad Sign.
You can find these new stills here, but be careful; other parts of the site usually have spoilers for unaired episodes.
These pictures are great, but what is FABULOUS is what I discovered inside the picture in the second row, on the far right.
The Americans on my F-list might not understand why this makes me so happy, but all the Canadians will! :DDD Usually, the show will have a non-descript coffee shop, or a Starbucks logo hidden somewhere, and on occasion you'll find a disguised Second Cup mug (I can tell by the cap), but since the guys are suppose to be in the U.S. you will never find even a hint of a Timmy cup anywhere. There are actually a few locations that you could get away with a Timmy cup in the United States; the franchise has quite a few locations in the U.S. now. They are mostly northern hockey towns, because if you have to sit in a cold arena at 5:30am on a weekday for your kid's hockey practice, then you NEED coffee! But I digress... the point is that Jensen is drinking Tim Horton's coffee, *cough*outoftheirhockeymug*cough* and that makes him THIS MUCH more Canadian. Trufax! Give it a little more time and he will be attending hockey games of his own free will, and then he will buy a house next to Jared in Vancouver... and then he will be ALL OURS! *evil cackle*
Yes, I clearly need more coffee, but before I run out to Tim Horton's, I give you random Canadian youtube clips:
Molson Canadian's Joe Canada Commercial Edge102's spoof of Joe Canada with Guy Quebecois The [Hockey] Sweater cartoon - Canadian Film Board I add this to counteract the fact that I support a coffee shop that was created by a former Toronto Maple Leaf. I have to get the icky feeling off some how.