Oct 19, 2005 02:05
well...blah...blah. I think I work to much. Well atleast i get friday off you know. it's my first friday off since i've worked at panda. in 3 months yep i've been there for 3 months but i got my evaluations my manager loves me i swera he's gay. he gave me my raise and blah and such. ii told my other co-workers that they got mad because tehre like he didnt give me a raise untill i worked for the company fora year well i make 9 an hour which is nice. lately i've been up to nothing just messing around wti hkevin were not in a relationship and i want to keep it that way i like being single. i like the fact that i have my own life but i like the fact that he is in my life as well. anyways i got alot of larry's shit that he needs to pick up it's taking up room in my dammm closet and i need to go threw the boxes and find what what's his and give it to him. but i think he should pick it up it's not my fault or obilgation to give to him. i bought a new cell phone too it's great i love it i can taqke video and pictures with it. i went upt to julian today it was ok. then visted my family picked up my shit and stuff got mad at my dad becuase he's stupid girlfriend that lived with him took alot of my shit which made me mad because the reason i had it up there was for him to keep it in a safe keeping from the fucking tweekers me and larry were living with at the time. for some reason joseph me i feel like i am going to go into a relaitonship not with kevin but ifeel like with someone i am going to meet. btw i need to go get tested just to be safe and secure! anyways so mcuh fun stuff happening in my life to big and too long to write about. let's just say i n ever thought i would be this happy.
luv joseph