Title: Toujours Pur
Author: Angelpiphi
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hermione is alone, waiting in the headquarters for the Order, when 3 mysterious “guests” arrive
Criteria Fits: NC-17 fic, Slytherin/Gryffindor pairing (Draco/Hermione), Lemon
Warnings: Extremely Slytherin and emo kid central. (Plus, Sexual Situations)
Disclaimer: Belongs to JK Rowling
Author’s note: This fic was inspired by a piece of artwork posted on dracohermione.org (
see here) by nekozumi and Bunney's "A Shelter From Discontent".
***Dedicated to
Celticsass, and my betas
the_lone_jen and
Chapters 1-8 Chapter 9