Jan 26, 2006 12:01
So before anyone jumps to any conclusions.. I am NOT dead, my computer is dead. Hence the lack of livejournal activity on my part. I'm meeting up with my parents in GR on Saturday to give the computer to my dad and then get myself a new one. My dad wants my computer for the business because he can wipe it off and put his trucking software on it. So I get a new computer out of the deal, I'm not complaining.
I'm currently using my roomie's computer and Sid, the 'n' key sticks and it's bothering the fuck out of me. So from now on, I'm not going to make the extra attempt to type the letter, so if words are missing an 'n', you'll know why.
Aside from all of that, I'm doig alright I suppose. This week has bee pretty busy so far. My Moday's ad Wedesday's are goig to get o my erves evetually, but I'll maage. I basically have class from 10a to 9p o moday ad tuesday I have class from 7 to 10p, the I have to work util 3a ad o Wedesday I have class from 11:30a to 9p ad the I have to work util 3a agai so it wears me out pretty fast. But I'm makig moey, so I really should't be complaiig. Plus, Sidey ad I have started workig out i the gym o Tuedays ad Thursdays for the most part, sometimes Fridays, Saturdays ad sometimes Sudays, depedig o whether or ot we feel like doig it. But I should't be complaiig about that either, sice I'm the oe that said I eeded to start workig out.
Campus bad is alright I suppose. I did't get last chair, but the agai, I did't get first chair either. I did't do as badly as I expected to do. It's ot that I'm horrible at the trumpet. I actually thik I'm pretty good. I'm ot tryig to brag, but I took private lessos ad I was always 1st chair i high school. I just have the worst time auditioing. I always psych myself out before I go i or I get so ervous that I ca barely play a ote. It's awful. Ad all the techiques that I've leared to help with that do't really work that well for me. It's a o wi situatio.
My god, it's like a code or somethig. Sid you should really get your key fixed. ot that this is my problem or aythig. If you ca deal with it, the good for you. But I do ot have to motivatio to press dow the key harder, so if you eed help deciferig what this says, just ask me. I perso, as typig has prove to be a bit of a problem.