(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 00:48

OK, that last scene in Garden State....that's just like....wow. I don't know if there's a better finale scene in any film ever made. It just grabs ya by the heart, and wrenches around for a bit, gets all your heartblood all over the popcorn. Or in this case, the pretzels and mustard. And I could never get into electronica if it weren't for that song they play.


So yeah. Annnnd stuff. Been back to work. Been gettin' ready for Manhattan, round 2. Got my books all ordered and stuff except for the psych book which I have to ask someone about. If anyone else is going to that show on Sat. that would be just bitchin', but if not whatevs. I go to most shows alone.

Ummmm....there was some more stuff....can't really remember. Oh yeah, mad props to Steve for hosting this shite for me:

Its me in Southpark. Duh. Mkay, Peaceout.
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