Dec 02, 2004 18:25
Yup. Its quiz day....
(1) If Teddy Roosevelt was a Jewish bagel maker, would you have sex with him?:
(2) How many letters are in the word?: ummmm....yes
(3) How many vaginas would a vagina monster have?: 13
(4) Whats your favorite food other than beef jerky?: bacon. No, wait, pork tenderloin
(5) If Long John Silver lived up to his name, would you take a boat ride with him?: what the Hell is this?
(6) How irrelevant would Top Gun be without jets?: very....? I really don't know
(7) Why do 15 year old fat kids like Scarface so much?: cos its fun for the whole family
(8) If you were one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, would you be an asshole and cut it into slices much like that of a pie and then hand it to King Arthur and say "hey, this wood pie sure is good and uncircular!" ?: Oh....ummm....yes, yes I would
(9) seahorses were proved to be dragons evolved?: I would get the Nobel Prize for making such a discovery
(10) Satan was your distant cousin whom you had sex with?: ....What?!
(11) the word 'the' didnt exist?: I'd manage
(12) the world ended and the only people left on earth were you and the dude who played Corky on Life Goes On?: I would kill him and be the last man alive
(13) the world was shaped like a triangular prism?: I would go from here to Hong Kong in 20 minutes flat
(14) strangle a puppy with your bare hands?: $20
(15) make love to the lead singer of 3 Doors Down(or in this case how much beer as well)?: $500 and 2 40's
(16) have hardcore anal with a radioactive deer?: ummm....lots of money
(17) let chimpanzees pee all over you face?: same
AND MORE?!....
(18) Is the concept of poop sex funny to you like it is to me?: yeah, I'm laughing just at the phrase
(19) How much more of this survey can you take?: about 10 more questions worth
(20) Adding to the previous, how much of my man-piece are you willing to take?: none, thank you
(21) Is nitro-glycerin really THAT flammable?: probably. I haven't taken chem. yet
(22) If you were a hot dog, how much would you pay not to be a hot dog?: Hot dogs don't have money
(23) How confused are you about your sexuality?: quite
(24) How many gay people are you friends with?: just one I think
(25) Are you a gay friend of mine?: I'm no friend of whoever made this quiz....
(26) How gay is that?: What?
(27) Are you my personal Jesus?: yes
(28) How low CAN you go?: not very, I got too much class....
(29) This survey is: (a) a stunning breath of survey air (b) a futile attempt to make others feel giddy (c) bulderdash! (d) sex please: (b), and its working!!
(30) Is this the last question? probably